Saturday, 5 May 2012

To do list - 5 May 2012

·         Borrow strimmer from dear friend to flatten lawn.  Before it stops being a lawn.
·         Sew pilgrim badges onto large cloaks.
·         Trim three strangely squashy hats.
·         Find shawl to wrap baby in.
·         Re-bloodstain hand wrapping.
·         Run Act 1 of Faustus and make sure new Lechery knows what to do.
·         Measure Mephistopheles.
·         Take in Grisolan's trousers.
·         Make sure Akahale the dragonborn warlock is up to date and send to patient DM waiting for him.
·         Test-drive bruise and dead skin makeup for Accrington Pals.
·         Paint bed type structure.
·         Find three pairs of rogue boots - i.e. the ones we had before the great boot crisis of May 2 which have now disappeared into the props cupboard.
·         Update games with entertaining treasure items.
·         Check rules for impending test drive game for some lovely bloggy friends.
·         Re-write Malfi programme in English and with correctly spelled names.
·         Make more blood pellets.
·         Find another jacket for goaler.
Sometimes I think my life might be a little strange.


  1. Sounds quite reasonable to me. The Rev wonders if you fancied writing a sermon on the Ethiopian eunuch in your spare time... xxx

  2. Dang... that's quite a day planned... what's a realistic prediction, as far as how much you'll likely get done?

    Dave the Goof

    1. Well, I've managed the hats, found the boots, stitched the trousers, measured Mephistopheles, run Part 1 of Faustus, sewn up a cloak, wrapped a baby, done the pilgrim badges, re-bloodied the hand, sorted out Akahale and found a spare jacket.

      Not succeeded in the painting, updatery or game rules finding yet, nor is the lawn strimmed, but it's not looking too bad.

  3. Tomorrow 10:15 am !

    1. Might be a bit of narrow window, but I'll do my best.

  4. Not so much strange as extremely hectic! I have a large board on my study wall that I can see from my desk and on it are the days of the week where I add 'to do' things - so that they can't escape!

    1. I have one of those too. Very useful, if permanently guilt inducing.

  5. If I didn't know what you do and you didn't mention plays, I'd think you had a really bizarre family/home :D That's a long list, good luck with it all!

    1. See my reply to Dave's post above for the list of done items :)

  6. That's a big list. Good luck.

    Oh is Akahale coming back to pbp, or it for a home game?

    1. Akahale is going into a game at RPol run by Pat. I'm really looking forward to playing him again, paranoid nutbar that he is.

    2. Glad to hear it, it's always lovely to carry on with PC's especially after a hiatus, or if their story hasn't been played out. In fact I have only ever finished a couple & they were Cthulhu games.

  7. That's quite a list! Good luck. :)

    1. Thank you :) More done from it than expected so far.

  8. Very....erm....'eclectic' list! ;D

  9. That all sounds a right laugh!

  10. Hi Amanda .. sorry about your trip out to school and return! Pain .. but happens occasionally.

    This list looks interesting and I sure hope you've succeeded in some of them, and made a start in others .. have a fun busy weekend - you won't worry that it's cold and foul .. lots of tea and coffee to keep you going ..

    Good Luck and Cheers Hilary

  11. I personally love a good to do list. I can't live without mine.

    1. Have to have lists. There's a sticky post-it thingbob on my computer that just gets longer and longer.

  12. "Re-bloodstain hand wrapping" and "measure Mephistopheles" are my favourite items on this list.

    Elizabeth Twist: Writer, Plague Enthusiast

    1. This is what comes of persuading your theatre to let you do Duchess of Malfi and Doctor Faustus in the same year :)
