Monday, 14 May 2012

First Loves Blogfest

Coming to you courtesy of the fertile brain of Alex J Cavanagh.

First movie

The Sound of Music.  Partly because it felt like a huge occasion, going into London to see it and with an interval and all.  It no longer rates high on my list of the re-watchable, but I remember it fondly.

First music
My parents were Coward addicts.  One of the first songs I remember hearing and trying to consciously sing to myself was "The Stately Homes of England".  I still like him, although these days my ipod selection tends more towards the Doors, David Bowie and Sondheim.

First book
This is much harder.  I can hardly remember a time when I wasn't reading voraciously.  I'm going with The Phantom Tollbooth, but there are a lot of other candidates.  All of which I re-read.

First person
He'd been dead for 500 years, but nothing tops my love for Cesare Borgia.  Alas that he never  reciprocated.


  1. Think you were very lucky that he didn't! :0)

    1. He wasn't so bad. If he hadn't been hung out to dry by his dad, then he would have been a normal noble psycho/prince.

    2. I don't know Carole. My pre-marriage romantic record was bad enough that Cesare would have looked good.

      Deus - not so sure about that. Roderigo was supportive, but old. 68 was ancient back in the 16th century. If he'd managed to get elected pope ten years earlier (which nearly happened), it might all have been different.

  2. GAH! How did I miss this event!? Just got mine done now, thankfully :)

    How come you always seem so cultured? Hmm? Hey, what does a stage hand earn these days? My work is drying up by the week, so I might be free to hire ;)

    1. Welcome back you :)

      Cultured? Not really, I just have access to a huge library. Stage hands have a union and proper rates - which are not high. You could do worse. Better than freeland drama teaching, for sure.

  3. I love the song "Edelwiess" (that's probably spelled wrong from the Sound of Music. And that scene always makes me a bit weepy. Haven't seen it in years, though.

    1. I loved Edelweiss until it was massacred for me at a particularly maudlin wedding. The gloss fell of the gingerbread right there and then and I can no longer listen to it without hearing the awful version in my head.

  4. Sound of Music is one of my favs. I still belt out the songs as if everyone should know them. My kids just stare in horror. lol

    1. I've been known to warble "Climb Every Mountain" in moments of stress :)

  5. Great choice for first person.

    1. I adored him for years and spent ages tracking down information about the whole family.

  6. dead people for first... me too.

    We all love something...right!
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

    1. There's no telling who is going to hit that first love button.

  7. It is not often that you see The Sound of Music and Cesare Borgia mentioned in the same breath: well done.

    1. Why, thank you :)

      Not often you see a post about the Kentucky Derby close to one about the meaning of praxis either.

  8. I think I remember that book from when I was younger.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  9. I adore the phantom tollbooth. But don't know Cesare Borgia.. need to look him up!


    1. I empathised with Milo rather a lot, but really adored the keeper of words who had to make sure no word was ever unused.

      Cesare is really a bit bonkers, but he is extremely interesting if you can overlook the patina of general loathing the Borgias engendered.

  10. Sound of Music is still fun to watch from time to time, around the winter holidays!

    1. Now you come to mention it, that's true. I wrap Christmas presents to it along with the Lord of the Rings.

  11. Mmmm... interesting... the son of a Pope & an Austrian-based musical... eclectic mix...
    I'm not sure you would have wanted the love reciprocated, though... what's the proper story wrt his brother's demise?
    I don't know The Phantom Tolbooth...
    I love The Sound Of Music... I'm actually teaching some of the songs to my junior choir.

    1. Giovanni - well, it's doubtful that Cesare shed too many tears, but there's no particular reason to think he much to do with it. Being placed in the church (particularly as a Cardinal) was an entirely acceptable career move at that period. Even without Giovanni's death he'd have done reasonably well for himself one suspects.

  12. What an interesting love :) very handsome :P

    Sharing the Love!
    English Speaking Zone

  13. Love the unusual choice for your first love! I don't know the singer you were talking about, but did love The Phantom Tollbooth.

    My First Loves Post
